Auto Wreckers - Brisbane - Google Review


What a new tyre should really be costing you?

You can find tyres ranging between $80 to $300, whilst you want quality, you don’t want to pay excessively for something that you simply don’t need. Tyres are an important part of your car because they are the only part that come in contact with the road, so it is important to get good quality tyres, but why pay more than you need to?

What type of tyre should you buy?

Whilst many people are budget conscious you need to also think of safety. Buying a tyre that is fit for the purpose you are using it for is important. Why spend $300 on a tyre that you are just going to use to drive around Brisbane occasionally?

In this case, the smartest decision would be to buy a mid-range tyre. A mid-range tyre gives you both value and performance, and you can get it somewhere between $100-$200, depending on your vehicle type and your preference.



The difference between cheap and expensive tyres is that the cheap tyres don’t have a strong grip. A good grip can help you avoid getting your car crashed, hence is one of the most important elements of a tyre.

You can get good quality second hand tyres at a very reasonable rate of $25- $55 at Underwood Wrecking, Brisbane.

Looking for new or second hand parts for your car? Get in touch with Underwood Wrecking, Brisbane. We have a wide range of spare parts for all makes and models of cars, and if we don’t have it, we can source it for you in no time.


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